About William.
December 1972: A friend and I were walking to visit a third friend one morning, as we walked along the rail road tracks to his home, we came upon some animal intestines lying in the snow between the rails. There were no animal tracks to indicate how this had gotten there so we searched the immediate area to see how this had occurred.

My friend went ahead while I climbed a ten foot embankment on the south side of the rail line and found dozens of strange footprints. My friend and I were puzzled, they looked like human bare feet except twice as large as a mans. It was approximately 17 degrees that morning and I realized the intestines were not frozen and that what ever made the foot prints was very close by, so we ran scared to our friends house telling his father who photographed the prints and told us as best he could what may have made them.
By the size there had been 3 different individuals, our families made fun of us when we told them what we found so didn’t talk about it except to each other. We spent many weekends after this day searching for more tracks and what made them but never saw anything again.

October 1974: Near dusk one evening, my collie was tied to his dog house for the night, he was barking furiously toward the nearest tree line near our barn. Thinking it was a raccoon or skunk, I got one of my .22 rifles and a couple of bullets to shoot what ever was there since my father always told me to do so since many wild animals had rabies. I let my dog loose and he ran at top speed toward the forest edge, He stopped abruptly at the edge of the tree line and froze there intently staring at the trees.
As I came within about 50 feet of him, he whorled around and ran past me toward our house as fast as he could go, not stopping until he reached the porch and sat there shivering. I had never seen him behave this way, he would chase anything never being afraid. I pushed my way through the low hanging fir tree limbs into a clearing under a very large maple tree, and saw less than 15 feet in front of me a massive creature. Growing up on a farm and hunting with my dad I had a pretty good idea of animal size and weight, this creature was at least 8 feet tall and around 800 pounds, it was built generally like a man but different too.
It was moving the fallen leaves around casually with its right foot, and stopped abruptly when it saw me, it glared at me angrily from the look it had and I froze. It made no noise or movements. In milliseconds so much went through my mind, I thought “what in the hell is that?!” then the thought came, “oh, that must be what made the tracks in the snow we found”. Then I was trying to think what to do, was it going to attack me? I thought maybe if I fired my rifle in the air it would frighten it and it would go away, my .22 would do nothing to something so massive, so I fired in the air.
A moment later I heard some noise behind me, and I turned mt head slightly to the right while keeping an eye on the creature to my front. Here came a second creature less than 10 feet to my right from behind some brush, it walked past me and over and stood next to the first creature. The seconds one was about a head shorter and a couple hundred pounds lighter than the first but otherwise looked similar. That’s when I ran away from there as fast as I could move. I called my friend John who’s father had told us what he knew about the creatures.
We decided to get a couple more friends and meet at my home at first light the following morning with our hunting rifles. We met as planned and it had frosted heavily the night before so tracking was easy, we followed the trail for about a mile until the sun came out and melted the prints. We didn’t tell anyone about what happened.
One day while riding the after school activity bus home, John and I were quietly talking about what we saw, when another friend who was very shy and quiet overheard us, he asked if he could “interview” me about the things I had seen. I knew it would not be shared beyond him so I told him what I had seen on both events, he then gave me 3 booklets written by Canadian author John Green. I was shocked that so much was known about something we had never heard about, and I absorbed everything in those books.
July 1975: One afternoon I was in my room napping when one of my sisters came and said there were two men here to see me. I was very confused since the only “men” I knew were my uncles or fathers friends. I slipped my barn boots on and went out to see who it was. I immediately recognized world famous Sasquatch hunter Rene’ Dahinden, and he had another gentleman with him named Dennis Gates.
He told me my friend who interviewed me had written to John Green about my encounter and they were nearby investigating the ongoing Puyallup Screamer events and wanted to come talk with me about what I had seen since it was only seven miles from the activity at Puyallup. He invited me to he and John Green’s camp before leaving, and I went there.
Green searched during the day hours while Dahinden, Gates and I searched during the night hours, they both were impressed by how I conducted myself and asked me to keep in touch and act as their eyes and ears in the area. I agreed and Dahinden in particular took an interest in my development and took me under his wing as his protege.
September 1975: 8 of my friends and I formed the “Pierce County Sasquatch Investigation Team”, this was meant to be an organized effort to assist John Green and Rene’ Dahinden in our area. We started by trying to find any locations where Sasquatch activity may be happening.
The following spring we learned that outside Fort Lewis near the town of Roy at a farm called locally the Clark Ranch had been hearing some very strange animal screams, so we got permission to go there and look around. Four of us went there to stay a weekend and camp, and see what there was happening. We became surrounded by four of the creatures, found footprints and one of our group was even partially pulled from out of our tent by one of the creatures.
We took John Green to the ranch and he heard numerous screams of the creatures and commented years later he wished he would have had his recorder that evening.
Six members of our group traveled to the site of the miners cabin that had been attacked in 1924 just east of Mount Saint Helens in November 1976, we found a long line of Sasquatch footprints during that trip near Spirit lake.
I spent the next decade in the military and left in 1986 after a divorce.
1986: Upon moving to Vancouver Washington, I called both Rene’ Dahinden and John Green that I was in that region and would begin field work. Dahinden was particularly excited telling me that there had been no Sasquatch hunter there since Roger Patterson had worked that region. I met a local newspaper editor and his photographer who wrote a three page newspaper article on me and my work, they also assisted me in beginning my work in southwest Washington State by telling me where the last series of reported sightings of the creatures took place.
March 1988: We had been finding Sasquatch tracks in late 1987 near the Washougal river in the snow there. On one trip to search for more tracks while driving to the area where we had been finding lines of tracks we saw one of the creatures across the river, it took two steps away from the water and was gone into the dense brush, but through questioning local residents I learned this particular creature had been seen over the past two decades many times.
April 1988: I was contacted by a representative of Knott’s Berry Farm to be the technical adviser to a new Bigfoot themed section of the park, they had created at the time the largest man made white water rapids ride and surrounded it with vegetation from the pacific northwest, and in the center was a ranger station where patrons could read, see and ask questions about wildlife native to the northwestern United States including the Sasquatch.
I had also re-created the P.C.S.I.T. But the new inception of the former organization was now to be called the Pacific Coast Sasquatch Investigation Team. During the decade between 1988 and 1998 the organization had over 100 members and a board of directors. To date it remains the only non-profit organization who’s goal is to prove the existence of the Sasquatch.
August 1992: During the summer of 1991 I had been conducting some field surveys of the region south of Mt. St. Helens. I made a practice of stopping at local businesses as they were the places where witnesses would first report seeing Sasquatch’s. One such location was the northern most business south of Mt. St. Helens called the Eagle’s Cliff store and camp ground. I had become friends with the owner who had an interest in the subject, and while he and I were catching up on my work and anything he had been told, about 60 campers had gathered around us to listen in.
The owner did not feel comfortable around crowds so he asked me if I would mind chatting with the people at one of the communal bon fires to answer questions. I talked with 60 to 80 people for about two hours, everyone had very good level headed questions and it was a great impromptu gathering that gave me a good feel for how average people viewed the topic of Bigfoot, which was not silly in the slightest.
At the next meeting of the PCSIT board of directors I brought up this gathering and it was decided that we would seek to hold a large function at the campground if the owner would allow it. When we asked him he was ecstatic at the idea, so we planned for the event we named the second annual Bigfoot BBQ and potluck, we decided the small gathering in 1991 was the first. We made ten BBQ’s out of 55 gallon drums and provided hamburgers and hot dogs while the attendees brought their favorite foods.
We planned the event between July 4th and Labor day so people would have no holiday events and be free to attend out free function. I asked Rene’ Dahinden to be the guest speaker and he loved the idea and said he would also do a slide presentation. We were unable to get our posters printed in time and only had two prototypes to post at the major highways leading to the campground but we still had more than two thousand people attend the two day event. Dahinden told me he was very happy at the way we presented the topic and by the large attendance, and that no one had ever achieved the success we had that weekend. To date there has never been as large a gathering as that one anywhere on the topic of Bigfoot.
I also spent that decade conducting much work in the field, going out as often as my work schedule allowed. I recorded between 1200 and 1500 hours each year in field work, during which time I found evidence of territorial markings (I am the first to find such evidence) scat, possible burial sites in both Washington and Oregon, to date eight sites. I also was able to determine Sasquatch Range size and feeding movements throughout yearly cycles, plus conducting long term investigations sch as the Yacolt Washington nine month activity by a group of 4 Sasquatch’s.
My father became unable to take care of himself by 1998, so I moved to Puyallup Washington to help with his care. The PCSIT disbanded mainly due to many of the members moving away and my own planned move as the President of the board.
April 2001: My long time friend and mentor Rene’ Dahinden passed away, and close friends of mine started telling me I needed to start writing books since my close association with the most knowledgeable person in the world on the topic of Bigfoot was now gone, and that there was too much wrong information being given out to the public on the subject. I finally decided to begin work on my first book “Notes From the Field, Tracking North America’s Sasquatch”. I had absolutely no idea how to write a book, but being a prolific reader of history and biographies I patterned my manuscript on many common types of writing.
By the time the manuscript was complete and sent to the editor, the editor told me I was a natural and that she did not have to do much to the work. I came up with the name based on the news letter the PCSIT produced during the 1990’s called “Notes From the Field”. Today this book is highly regarded throughout the Bigfoot community and sells well. I also wrote two small books, one called “Haunted Valley” about the nine month long PCSIT investigation of the Yacolt Washington events, “Yacolt” was a native American name meaning “Haunted Valley”.
The third book I wrote is called “In Search of the Unknown” its focus is my beginnings into the Bigfoot topic. The second two books I wrote are part of a ten book series I plan to write. Currently I am working on a large in depth volume and a third smaller book of the previously mentioned series plus a field guide of North America mammals to include the Sasquatch.
Currently, William is the host and creator host of the very popular podcast called The Creek Devil and participated in an episode of the history channel show America’s Book of Secrets, the episode was called The Mystery of Bigfoot. He continues his fieldwork, and have many contacts across North America.
William Jevning.